#1101-42 The German Market for Fresh Organic Fruit

March 2003, 62 pages,  EUR 599, Organic Fresh Fruit Sales Rise as Confidence Returns.  Organic fruit sales are increasing in Germany as consumer confidence in organic foods slowly returns after the Nitrofen scandal in 2002. Consumer demand for organic foods fell sharply in mid-2002 when reports came out that contaminated wheat was fed to poultry […]

#1401-44 The Scandinavian Market for Organic Meat Products

February 2003, 151 pages, EUR 599, Maturing of Scandinavian Organic Meat Sector.  Sales of organic meat products are slowing in Scandinavia as the organic food industry begins to mature. This research study by Organic Monitor shows that organic meat sales expanded by 10% in 2002. Market growth rates of above 20% per annum have been […]

Logic of McDonald’s Organic Move

McDonald’s is the latest multinational to jump onto the organic bandwagon. The international fast-food chain announced that it is to start selling organic milk in its UK restaurants from February. This was followed by news this week that the multinational reported huge losses of USD 343.8 million in the last quarter of 2002. The company […]

Japan: Food Scares Spur Organic Food Sales

Another case of BSE was confirmed in Japan this month, bringing the total number of cases to six since the first was reported in September 2001. Sales of organic foods are expected to continue to rise as a result. Consumer demand for organic foods has been soaring since the BSE crisis started as they are […]